Becoming a member of RACES/ACS means a number of things. There is the commitment in time for both the weekly on-air nets and the quarterly membership meetings. There are also ongoing training requirements, which may be real-time exercises, classroom sessions, or online self-paced courses. Most importantly there is the sense of purpose that comes from being prepared to serve your community when called.
We recognize that you have existing commitments to family and work. Emergencies occur at any time of the day or night and can take place over an extended period of time. A volunteer in RACES/ACS should be able to be available when called upon in an emergency. In the event of a disaster, your first priority is to secure yourself and your family. Next is to be able to respond to the RACES call out.
The application process begins with attending several meetings and network check-ins so you understand the feel and culture of RACES/ACS. The next step is to complete a membership application. Upon submission of the completed form to the Marin County Sherriff’s Office, a thorough background check and interview process will begin. This process may take as long as 12 weeks. This background review is necessary because RACES/ACS members are asked to serve in locations that are deemed secure areas. These locations can include the Sheriff’s Department offices and vehicles, mobile command posts, fire stations, police stations, Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), and other non public areas. Following approval by the MCSO, an oath will be administered and you will be sworn in as a member.
While undergoing the background check you can get started on some of the required training courses. IS-100b and IS-200b are self-paced online courses provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Based on your geographic location in the County, you will be assigned to a specific region. The Marin Operation Area (MOA) consists of North Marin, Central Marin, West Marin, and Southern Marin. Each region has an assigned leadership officer who will be your point of contact in the RACES/ACS organization. New members will participate in the weekly net and the ongoing training sessions.
Please join us to make RACES/ACS an organization that the public service agencies in Marin County can count on in an emergency.
Contact us for more information.